Welcome to the Governing Body of Equine Connection - The Academy of Equine Assisted Learning Inc. This page is designed so that our clients and organisations who are considering hiring one of our certified facilitators in Australia or New Zealand will take comfort in knowing we are qualified and experts in our field. We are part of a global network of certified equine assisted learning facilitators.
The Governing Body ensures that their certified facilitators are maintaining their mandated hours and are continually learning their program objectives to ensure the facilitation of the learning process plus so much more. We don't just certify people and hope it all works. We work with our facilitators for the life of their careers. They also need to adhere to their country guidelines for ethical work with horses.
Look on the map below to find a certified facilitator near you. You can also find us on the global Equine Connection - The Academy of Equine Assisted Learning Inc EAL Network site.